Off-grid solar system
A solar system consists of solar panels, which convert sunlight into electricity and heat. The power is later stored in batteries, contributing to a highly eco-friendly environment.
Generally, a 5-kilowatt off-grid solar system costs around PKR.400,000 to PKR 700,000 before accounting for solar tax credits and rebates. The expense of an off-grid solar system has an even more comprehensive range as it is available in many sizes and components that impact the price. They can drive up the total expense, as a simple battery can cost depending on the size of your off-grid system and the domestic energy usually consumed.
What is the off-grid solar system?
An off-grid solar system runs independently from the power grid. These systems stress living off-grid, a lifestyle emphasizing energy independence and self-reliance. Living “off the grid” has recently become highly favoured due to the high cost of electricity, fuel, food, and other necessities of life. There has been a massive rise in electricity costs since the last decade, causing many people to switch to other forms of power for domestic use.
What is the grid and off-grid solar system?
Here’s how we differentiate between an off-grid and an on-grid solar system: We can identify an off-grid system by seeing if it is connected to the utility board or power grid.
Also identified as grid-tied, these systems are connected to the utility grid and add electricity to what you get from your utility company. A battery is unnecessary to store excess power energy, as the grid acts as the energy reservoir. These systems are usually cost-friendly and more accessible to set up. They can also favour you in that you may also be able to get paid for excess energy produced by your system.
These systems are not grid-tied, as they can be seen, are not connected to the utility grid, and are entirely self-sufficient. The stored energy in the battery is utilised in the absence of sunlight, mainly at night. Off-grid systems have the disadvantage of being expensive to install but also have the advantage of being highly reliable in the long run. You will not have to face any blackouts or power outages. Furthermore, there will be no need to pay any electricity bills.
Types of off-grid solar system
There are two types of off-grid solar system
AC (alternating current)
In an AC system, an inverter is used, as AC carries all the load to convert the energy stored in the battery to 230V AC. All the homes connected to a grid run off at 230AC. Moreover, the wiring of grid-connected and off-grid homes will be the same and less expensive. One must be cautious for the worst-case scenarios, as a backup generator must always be ready. Examples of AC-coupled generation sources include standard solar inverters and backup generators (gen-sets).
DC (direct current)
A DC system generally includes small powering systems and low-consumption appliances such as monitoring equipment. Solar panels or wind generators charge the batteries, and then power is supplied to the loads, the loads’ battery voltage being between 12V and 24V DC. When the batteries are complete, the charge controllers restrict charging to a specific voltage as they must be sized to meet the load. Examples of DC-coupled sources include solar charge controllers (MPPTs) or micro-hydro systems.
A mixed AC and DC system can also be seen, which is very similar to the DC system but can also include an AC inverter used to enable the 230V appliances. Unfortunately, there is no backup, so the system must be sized for the worst-case scenarios.
On average, a Tesla Powerwall battery is the best solar battery on the market. Its capacity is 13.5 kilowatt-hours (kWh), equal to approximately half of a household’s average daily electricity. Two to three batteries are needed to power a home completely.
What is a grid in solar panels?
It is solely the electric connection with the solar panels. A pattern of metal lines and wires connecting the individual photovoltaic cells is on the surface of the solar panels. Some other uses include the transport of current, reduced electrical resistance, and increased efficiency. The grid lines may also provide structural support to the cells. Several grid patterns exist, such as standard grid, thin film grid, PERC (passivated emitter and rear cell), and MWT (metal wrap through). The efficiency and reliability can affect the design of the grid. Solar panel systems connected to the grid are called grid-tied, on-grid, or grid-connected photovoltaic systems.