CM Punjab Solar Tubewell Scheme

CM Punjab Solar Tubewell Scheme

Budget Allocation

A total of 09 billion rupees has been allocated for this solarization project. Initially, 2500 billion PKR will be distributed for 2024-25. This allocated budget has been granted for 2 years.

Eligibility Criteria

Farmers must meet the following eligibility criteria to apply for a solarization scheme in Punjab.

  • The farmer must be a resident of the Punjab Province
  • One farmer will only get one facility/ solar system from the family.
  • Kisan should be the owner of agricultural land in the revenue boundary of the same district where the application is submitted.
  • Kisan should bow the electric tube well with a power requirement of up to 15 KW, which will be considered for solarization.
  •  The owner of the tube well should have three three-phase electricity connections installed before 30 October 2024.
  • A tube well should have a water table depth of up to 60 feet.
  • Nonpayers/ defaulters will not be considered.

Documents requirement

  • Copy of a valid CNIC and FRC certificate from NADRA
  • Copy of valid CNIC and Fard-e-Malakiat as evidence of ownership.
  • The last paid bill for the electric tube well connection will be submitted as proof of tube well ownership.
CM Punjab Solarization

How to Apply for Solar Panels?

  • You will visit the following online portal:
  • You will enter your CNIC details.
  • You will enter the registered mobile number
  • You will select the types of Tube well, either electric or Diesel
  • You will enter the capacity of the electric motor in KW
  • Then you will add the requirement of solar systems, either 10, 15, or 20 KW
  • You will click on the affidavit
  • At the end, you will click on the button Apply for solar tube well
  • Your application will be submitted.
CM Punjab Tubewell Scheme registration

Fill this form for Apply for CM Punjab Solar Tubewell Scheme. Add CNIC, Mobile Number, Type of Installed Tube-well. Enter the capacity of motor and requirement for solar system power then Apply.

Last date for Application

The deadline for CM Punjab Solar Tubewell Scheme application submission is 31 December 2024.

Last Date of CM Punjab Tubewell scheme

Subsidy on solar panels for tube well

The government of Punjab provides subsidies to help farmers afford solar systems. Below is the breakdown:

Power (kW)Subsidy (Rs)

Benefit of Solar Scheme for Farmers

Through this solarization scheme, farmers and the government will receive the following benefits:

  • Decrease of expensive electricity bills
  • Elimination of dependency on diesel
  • Saving for money for other expenses
  • The issue of Power shortage will be solved
  • Enhancing farmers’ irrigation affordability
  • Promotion of solar irrigation for agricultural resilience and adaptation to climate change
  •   Increase water and crop productivity


Frequently Asked Questions

Apply through the online portal:

CM Punjab has launched a solar scheme for Kisan on a subsidy basis. Kisan in Punjab can apply for 10,15- and 20-KW solar systems for their tube wells.

The last date for applying the solar tube well is 31 December 2024.